Jurnal Abdi Mandala https://wiyatamandala.e-journal.id/JAM <p>Jurnal Abdi Mandala merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Wiyatamandala. Jurnal Abdi Mandala mewadahi publikasi hasil kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh Dosen-Dosen sebagai bentuk manifestasi Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. Jurnal Abdi Mandala merupakan jurnal elektronik yang dikelola secara profesional dengan menggunakan Open Jurnal System, diterbitkan 2 kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober.</p> Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Wiyatamandala en-US Jurnal Abdi Mandala 2830-5663 PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI KAMPUNG WISATA TERPADU, KAMPUNG HIJRAH, PANUNGGANGAN UTARA https://wiyatamandala.e-journal.id/JAM/article/view/503 <p><span lang="EN-US">Community development in Kampung Hijrah aims to map this region's potency as integrated tourism and economic activity for villagers. Initially, Kampung Hijrah had a negative reputation that needed to be rebranded by RT and teach the villagers to create their own economic activity. The development of eco-tourism in Kampung Hijrah started with the inauguration of a fishing recreation spot during this program. This fishing spot could create a recreation place that has valuable economic transactions. However, future evaluation and monitoring are crucial to the following programs. The improvement in understanding of good corporate governance in managing the business and good resources (capital) allocation are two critical success factors before the venture could bring social welfare for the nearby villagers.</span></p> Andreas Kiky Gillian Emery Chandra Anastasia Melia Ciptadi Devanya Azzura Andisi Salim Jessica Angelina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-10 2023-09-10 2 2 46 56 10.52859/jam.v2i2.503 PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA PADA BUMDESA DI KABUPATEN BOJONEGORO https://wiyatamandala.e-journal.id/JAM/article/view/277 <p><em>One of the problems faced by BUMDes is the inadequate condition of human resources, especially for presenting financial reports. PKN STAN together with DPMD </em><em>Provinsi Jawa Timur</em><em> and DPMD </em><em>Kabupaten</em><em> Bojonegoro held Community Service activities to increase the capacity of H</em><em>uman </em><em>R</em><em>esources</em> <em>in the accounting field at BUMDes in Bojonegoro. The series of activities involving 17 BUMDes started with offline training and visitations, followed by online mentoring for a period of 2 months. The training activities have succeeded in increasing the participants' abilities by increasing the post-test scores compared to the pre-test. In addition, the BUMDes that were visited received several suggestions for improvement and continued with discussions to answer the problems encountered when using the BUMDes Accounting Application.</em></p> Arief Budi Wardana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-10 2023-09-10 2 2 57 71 10.52859/jam.v2i2.277 PELATIHAN ADMINISTRASI DALAM BERWIRAUSAHA UNTUK USAHA MIKRO DAN MAKRO MASYARAKAT KAPLING SUKASARI TANGERANG https://wiyatamandala.e-journal.id/JAM/article/view/515 <p>Nowadays there are many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are unable to maintain business continuity so it is not uncommon for bankruptcy to occur in less than five years. Most entrepreneurs don't know what mistakes make their small businesses go bankrupt. Even though Indonesia's economic growth is getting better, one of the causes of the lack of success of SMEs is the administration of these SMEs. Poor administration makes SMEs complacent and not paying attention to the condition of their SMEs. The target audience for this PKM activity is UKM Sukasari Tangerang. Training is carried out using lecture methods, demonstrations and exercises accompanied by questions and answers. The demonstration method is used to show a work process, namely the administrative stages of entrepreneurship in making reports. Meanwhile, the question and answer method provides participants with the opportunity to consult in overcoming obstacles in entrepreneurship, especially in administration. The benefits that participants can get from this PKM activity include being able to<br>carry out general administrative activities to make financial reports and tax reporting in entrepreneurship.</p> Luky Thio ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 2 2 72 79 10.52859/jam.v2i2.515 PELATIHAN STATISTIK DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SPSS (STATISTICAL PRODUCT AND SERVICE SOLUTION) UNTUK PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN DALAM MENYELESAIKAN TUGAS AKHIR MAHASISWA SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU EKONOMI WIYATAMANDALA https://wiyatamandala.e-journal.id/JAM/article/view/516 <p>The problem faced by final year students at the Wiyatamandala College of Economics is the lack of practice in producing scientific work. Students' lack of knowledge in making scientific work is due to a lack of understanding of research methodology and mastery of the SPSS application which can help process research data using statistical techniques, even though making research is very important to fulfill students' obligations as a graduation requirement in obtaining a bachelor's degree. The result of this service is that participants understand the concept of SPSS processing with simple research examples used as material for training in analyzing research data using the SPSS application so that students can read and analyze the output results from using the SPSS application</p> Shandy Puspita Andres Dharma Nurhalim Vivi Adeyani Tandean ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 2 2 80 86 10.52859/jam.v2i2.516 SOSIALISASI KEWIRAUSAHAAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MINAT DAN MOTIVASI SISWA SMA CAHAYA KUDUS https://wiyatamandala.e-journal.id/JAM/article/view/517 <p>Entrepreneurial activities are activities that are one solution to earning income. In this service activity, the resource person carried out this activity at Cahaya Kudus High School, Muara Karang, North Jakarta. This theme was raised with the aim of providing knowledge and insight to students regarding how to do entrepreneurship in a simple way, providing motivation to students to become entrepreneurs through<br>their talents and field observations to find out the needs of society. This is also to erode the previous view which said that entrepreneurship is difficult, there will be many obstacles that arise, starting from capital problems, fear of trying, innovation and intention, so that in the end you experience failure. In fact, all of this can be overcome if the person has positive and creative thinking and prepares everything<br>carefully, starting from planning, forming an ownership structure, selecting products and services as well as strategies for starting a business. In essence, entrepreneurship is simple. The obstacles that arise are caused internally. Make everything as simple as possible and don't get caught up in your own thoughts and heads.</p> Sutrisno Sutrisno ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 2 2 87 96 10.52859/jam.v2i2.517